
Showing posts from September, 2021

What I Have Learnt So Far / Hung-Yi Peng

 I have learnt in this course for many weeks, I learnt a lot of things, one of the things that I learnt is GDFC, I think GDFC is really useful, when I was talking to my friend, we only use a very short sentence, but now, I think I can use a long sentence to express my opinion or to make more opinion, this is what I learnt in Mike's course. And second is How to write a article, I think this is a very important things, because write a article can help me to learn English and I think I will need it in the future too, Thanks for David give me this chance to have this kind of learning way. I hope in the few weeks later, I can speak more English when we are talking and I hope I can have more improve in this course.

What I Have Learnt So Far / Ayuka Teramoto

      In this course, I could learn various things. I could get great experiences. I learned GDFC in Mike's class. It's the most important for us to use it in conversation. At first, I have talked only my answers and I couldn't talk more details. However, I changed my conversation skills and improved by learning it. And also, I could get into the habit of looking up any words I didn't know while taking classes. I try to learn 10 new words every day since the beginning of this course. I would like to keep doing it from now too. I think I don't have confidence to speak English because I think I must speak perfect English sentences. So, I want to change the mind and have confidence to speak. In the future weeks of this programs, I hope that I try to speak a lot even if I make mistakes. I want to grow my English skills by the end of this programs.

What I Have Learnt So Far

What have you learnt so far? Think about your progress so far in this class? What have you learnt about the English language and what have you learnt about yourself through the experience of participating in this class. In addition, what do you hope to achieve in the future weeks of this program? We are looking forward to reading your thoughts on this topic.

Playing video games/Kentaro Maruyama

  Now, most people are playing a video game in their lives, that’s reason why the spreading electronic devices such as smartphone, Switch and PS4. So, not only adult people, but also young people can play it. So, we can people who are playing these games on a train and bus stops. It seems that is more comfortable our lives. However, is the spreading good for our health and lives? There some advantages and some disadvantage for deciding it.   First, there are two advantages, one of them that people can feel good by playing games. That means people can be refreshed and releasing their stress. So, that’s reason why people can crash anything or kill people in the game, they couldn’t do that in real life. It is possible because it is not real life, and it’s a virtual life.   Second, another advantage is that they don’t need to pay additionally. So, they can play a game continually once they bought the game. However, there are various cases. For example, if you finished the game and

Online lesson / Araki Michino

 COVID-19 has changed our school life. We have to stay home and take lessons on our computers. I was disappointed at first, However, I could find some advantages and disadvantages of online lessons.  One of the main advantages is that we can save time and money going to school because we don't need to go to school. We can take lessons without worrying about where the class is held or how to get there. It is useful for a student who has to stay on a train for 2 hours and pay a fee every day because the house is located far from your school, for example. In addition, every student can high-quality classes. In general, good teachers who can provide high-quality classes tend to go to cities because there are more students to teach. Then, students living in the countryside will have fewer opportunities to take good lessons. If they have a computer or smartphone, they can take high-quality lessons on the internet as well as students living in cities. On the other hand, of course, there a

Using Smartphone -Ayuka Teramoto-

    Now, most people use smartphones all over the world. If we don't have smartphones, can we live? I can't live and must need it. There are many advantages and disadvantages by using smartphones. In my opinion, using smartphones is good things in our lives.       One of the advantages is that it's useful and convenient. We can research soon if we don't know meaning of some words. And we can get a lot of information. When I was a high school student, I often used electronic dictionary. However, we always use smartphones in university. Sometimes, we do our homework to use smartphones. In the world, Using smartphones in class is becoming commonplace. Some schools also teach on iPad.          In addition, we can communicate with foreign people to use smartphones. We can contact and call them if we want to communicate with someone who live other countries. COVID-19 is increasing and a big serious problem all over the world. Can you guess when there is not smartphone in th

Owning a car/Hung-Yi

In the present world, having a car is a very common things. More and more car have made, this make our world a very big change, like make the world's economic have a very big improve, make our world more convenient. Although this kind of things seems good for our world, but in fact this make our world facing a lot of new problems. Present automotive industry, "Car" is really important and we need it everyday, this make our world very convenient, you can go anywhere you want, and you can go outside when you want. "Car" also make a big change to our economic, in 2007, there are 800 million cars driving on the road, this mean there are really a very big business in automotive industry. On the other hand, because their are very much of cars, so in 2007, we use 9.8 trillion liters oils, it is really a big problem, this make our world really dirty. As we know, in 2007 there are 800 million cars on the road, so there are more than 800 million cars in the world now, thi

Using email/text message -Chiaki Hamada-

Many people in the world are using email and text message. The main advantage is that we don't have to adjust to the other person's schedule. Whether an addressee is busy or not, we can send anytime. It is a good point that is not in the phone and direct dialogue.  In addition, it is easy to use. We can use it if we have a smartphone or a computer. It is convenient for people. I’m sure that most of the workers and students have own smartphone or computer. Wherever we are in the world, we can contact someone. However, it has some disadvantage. The main disadvantage is that we cannot understand the sender's feeling. I think that compare with when we meet and converse, it’s easy to mistake to understand sender’s feeling when we use email and text message. It is a serious problem in communication. We have to use suitable expression. And sometimes it is good to use “Emoticon”. We have to shows clear and obvious expressions when we write emails. As well as that, we might miss som

Discussing setting up a tour company/Kentaro Maruyama

 Our project is a online trip in Kyoto, because we chose the online, people can join it easily even if the covid-19 is spreading. The trip concludes the sightseeing in Kyoto, and people can study Japanese  history, and presenting some gift about Kyoto. So, it's informative for other county people.  I used some phrases to do the good conversation smoothly. I almost agreed with member's opinions. The first question that thinking the company name and contents was easy for us. So, we could decide it in earliest. 

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Towa Matsubara

It was interesting because it was the first time for me to think about the name of the company and what it was like. I didn't come up with many ideas, so other members thought about it, but I could think of some. I haven't traveled so much so I don't know what a travel agency usually does, but I thought it would be nice to have something like this.

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Rio Koyama

It was a little difficult for me to think about this topic in English, because this topic was difficult to think about even in Japanese, but in English, I have to pay even more attention to grammar and vocabulary.  And I was able to use some phrases in the book to make suggestions. It was hard for me to use them and it took quite a bit of time, but it’s very good learning experience.  The easiest question was the name and location of the company. It was easy to think about it because it was a subject that promotes tourism in my hometown. So I thought of all the local attractions. On the other hand, the most difficult question was how the company will be different from other tour companies. There are a lot of companies out there, and making a difference means that I have to come up with new ideas that are unique. It was like a real business management strategy, so it was very hard for me. 

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Maho Yasaka

 That was interesting discussion for me.  Fast of all, we talked about location of the tour and we can easily to decided but it was difficult after that topic because we have to think about the recent situation of the world. There are lockdown in many countries so we needed to carefully to think include “what is possible or impossible”. However one of my discussion member, he suggested that “how about online trip?”. I think that was the most important and interesting point of discussion. Discussion is always bring new idea from each other and it is unknowable or unexpected idea for me and others.  It was difficult but also it was interesting if somebody or me find and suggest big idea and it is more important to make a discussion room more easy to give everyone’s ideas.

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Michino Araki

It was difficult for me to discuss this topic in English because my vocabulary was not enough and this topic was difficult to even in my native language. I wasn't able to use all of the phrases in the book, but "That's sounds good." was easy to use. I want to use other words like "Let's focus on..." to run the meeting smoothly. The easiest question to answer was "how you will promote tourism". The way was using SNS and uploading beautiful photos with hashtags. I could suggest this immediately because I always decide where I go by searching with SNS when I travel. The most difficult question was "the name and location of the company". Location wasn't difficult, but the name was not easy for me because I'm not creative. I want to learn from a person who has creativity.

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company -- Kie Ishikura

It was difficult for me to discuss this topic in English because it took time to come up with my idea and then finished the discussion. I was unable to use some of the phrases in the book, give opinions and agree or disagree. Therefore, I should have spoken positively as soon as possible before thinking too much.  I thought it was easy for me to answer the location of the company because I wanted to set up the company in Nara. But, it was difficult for me to answer how the company will be different from other tour companies because I didn’t know about other tour companies.  

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Hung-Yi

 I think using English to discuss this topic is a little difficult for me, because I can't use English very well. I can't able to use some of the phrases in the book to make suggestions or give opinions, but I will practice to use phrases in the book. I think the easiest question is he name of the company. Because it just need to give it a name and let the name fit our company's type. The most difficult question is how the company will be different from other tour companies. Because there is a lot of trick from other tour companies, so it will be more difficult to think what can we do to have different from other tour companies.

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Chiaki Hamada

 It was difficult to discuss this topic in English because I don’t know many English words. It was difficult to express what I wanted to say.  When I discussed in today’s class, I was able to use some of the phrase in the book. I think that “That’s a good point.” and “That sounds good.” were easy to use.  I think the question “What type of tours you will organise” was easy to answer. For the reason that, we chose Okinawa as the location, it was easy to imagine famous activities in Okinawa. There are many famous activity and tourist destination. On the other hand, the question “how the company will be different from other tour companies” was most difficult to respond to. Because I can’t come up with any idea. My members in the same breakout room came up with a good idea. I had no imagination.

Discussing Setting up A Tour Company -- Ayuka Teramoto

      In discussion, I thought it was a little difficult for me. It's because I can't come up with good idea and couldn't discuss directly. However, we could come up with a great company idea. We could use phrases and grammars in this discussion.  And also, I was able to describe my opinion and reacted other people's ideas. I thought how the company will be the different from other tour company was difficult. We had to compare with other companies. It was a little hard for me to come up with idea. However, except it was easy to think. I was so fun to set up a tour company.

Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company

Write a post about this project? Was it difficult to discuss this topic in English? If so, why? Were you able to use some of the phrases in the book to make suggestions, give opinions & agree or disagree? Which of the four questions in the brief was easiest to answer & why?  Which was most difficult to respond to & why?

The world in 2040 / Michino Araki

I think most of energy we use will become renewable. The technology will develop to make them easily and cheaply, as a result, average households will use them widely. Also, virtual technology will have more reality. We can go everywhere like far country, game world, space, and more at a moment. However, it cause a problem of lacking exercise because we can do everything without going outside.

The World in 2040 / Kentaro Maruyama

     I think that the paper works will be disappeared in the future, especially, text books in schools will be disappeared. So, that means laptops will be used instead of textbooks because I heard that some countries has already introduced the policy for students.      In addition, microchips will be more common as Mr.Kaku said. So, it may make our lives more convenient.      Also, the less children problem will be more spread in Japan in 2040, so japanese government have to think about that carefully from now.      For the these predictions, I believe what our lives will be more convenient, but there will be a number of problem like third one, so people have to care about that.

The World in 2040 / Maho Yasaka

 There are many changes in the world now. People become think of sustainable society and the main energy is going to replace to green energy in the future.  In my opinion, the energy for good our life and the earth environment is something could use again and again. The energy of reusable power is the best way to live in our planet for together. It might be difficult to change the main energy’s material but we can use it in the future.

The world in 2040 / Misaki Soga

 Recently, our life is always changing. I don't know exactly about our future, but I have three predictions about the world in 2040.  First, studying gives us more literacy than before. In japan, the form of examination changed. The sentence of questions was increased, so we have to read and answer it as fast as we can. I think this tendency will be more common in the world.  Second, energy will replace to green energy. I often see the solar panel in front of some house and the wind turbine near the sea. They are not only safe for our life because it don't emit harmful contents, but also sustainable. I hope they will spread soon.  Third, I want to tell you about transport especially self-driving car. We have already started to use it and I think more and more people will use it, but some people are surprised at the car which don't have driving people until they are get used to this situation. We need to use it gradually in right ways.

The World in 2040 / Towa Matsubara

  I think the world in 2040 is making more new discoveries and developing more. For example, mainstream self-drive cars and interaction with aliens. Maybe there is a robot like Doraemon. Realistically, robots may do most of the work that humans are doing now.   Perhaps there are more AI robots than humans. That means that the skills to make AI robots may be more developed and dominated by robots. AI robots are still high performance and I think they will be even more amazing in the future.   I think the existence of aliens will be revealed. I don't know if it's true, but there are still sightings of aliens and UFOs.  So I think that aliens will come to greet the earth in a little more time.

The World in 2040 / Mei Sakata

  I think the weather problem (e.g., hurricanes, drought and flooding) will be more serious by 2040. The main cause of this phenomenon is global warming. Even recently, the natural disaster has happened all over the world, and many people die. So, we cannot help changing weather. However, I believe some good changes will occur. Firstly, the rate of green energy will be higher than now. The governments in different countries try to increase the rate now, and more solar panels or wind power generators will be built. However, nuclear energy won’t disappear because it produces much energy by a little cost. So, any government will depend on it in 2040. Second, our vehicles will very develop. Hydrogen-fueled transport, electric cars and self-driving cars will be widespread. As a result, the traffic accidents are going to decrease, and anyone even elderly people will enjoy driving. Finally, virtual reality will be common. We use it for playing game, traveling, and practicing drive. 

The World in 2040 / Misaki Seino

Now, our life is changing rapidly. Technology and global warming affect us. I have three predictions about the world in 2040.   First, the population of the world is increasing because of development of medical care. The population of developing countries is decreasing but that of developing countries in Africa and Asia is exploding. As a result, we might face food shortage. We should farm and trade sustainability.   Second, we will suffer a disaster more than now because of global warming and deforestation. Some of them are happening around the world already. It is important to solve the fundamental causes.   Third, new jobs will appear in several kinds of job. New jobs will be involved in new technology, for example AI. On the other hand, some jobs will disappear. But I think the number of new jobs is more than that of old.     We have to deal with this change. I want to come true the world which we can live comfortably.

The World in 2040 / Kie Ishikura

I predict the education of 70 % will not be literacy in 2040. There are two reason  why I think this way. First, more and more a wide range of knowledge and flexible thinking ability are  important in modern society. In many advanced countries, people can have literacy.  But, in developing countries such as Afghanistan, Central Africa, Guinea, and  South Sudan, there are few schools or teachers due to agriculture area  and poverty area. So, they can not learn literacy or receive an education due to these factors. Second, there are many war and conflict in these developing countries, and then  they must run away from the war area, a school is closed, and school is broken out.  Moreover, children such as forcibly joining in army doesn’t admit them to receive a education. Many adults don’t know literacy because they have lived with a war  and a conflict from childhood. Therefore, under these situations, it is impossible the education of 70 % will be  literacy i

The world in 2040 / Rio Koyama

    I predict that the transportation in 2040 might be more convenient than it is now. The electric cars and self-driving cars might be commonly on the market as everyday vehicles that anyone can buy. The reason is that they are already developed and sold in developed countries, so in 2040, the price will be lower, and I think it will be likely to have a self-driving as standard equipment.      And I believes that 3D technology could be more developed and more widely used than it is now. You can still use it to create a virtual world, or you can actually make anything exist as a thing with a 3D printer. So by 2040, the technology is going to be even better, so I would expect that the boundary between the virtual world and the real world would almost disappear, or the things made by 3D technology would actually be used in reality as a matter of course.     But I don’t think that people in 2040 could stay the hotel in the Moon and go to the Mars. Now in 2021, not only the number of peopl

The world in 2040 / Eiji Kato

Nowadays, it is said that the world is changing. For example, energy resource is not relying on fossil fuel only and many countries are experiencing huge disasters every year. Also, earth’s environment is rapidly disappearing and large amounts of creatures are in danger of extinction. Now, I’d like to predict the world in 2040 from these three points: energy, disasters, and the environment and creatures.   The first topic is energy. Green energy such as solar or wind power is in the center of public attention now. Hydrogen is also a type of this energy. It can produce electricity and doesn’t emit carbon dioxide. And many scientists are working research to be able to use hydrogen energy more effective. So, hydrogen is powerful as a future energy source.   Secondly, let’s look at disasters. This is one of the most important problem for countries all over the world. In my opinion, these disasters will be more severe than now by 2040 because of climate change. This means that trying to fin

The world in 2040 / Itsuki Ito

 I have three predictions. Firstly, I think that self-driving cars will be more common in 2040. These days, some companies try to make self-driving cars and the technology will be developing in the future. I hope the car accidents will decrease in 2040 to use self-driving cars. Secondly, the climate may change by 2040. Nowadays, I often hear the news about damage from torrential rain in Japan. Of course, global warming bring about these abnormal weather. I think the damage from climate will be more seriously in 2040 than now. We should think the way of halt the global warming. Thirdly, we will be able to live longer in 2040. The medical technology develop in the future, so we may recover from incurable illness.

The world in 2040 / Koyomi Abe

 I think the world of 2040 will be completely different from the world of 2021. First of all, I think that electric cars and hydrogen-fuelled cars will be more common in 2040. It is Because the technology has been developing for long time. Also, the prise may be lower and easier to buy in the future. Secondly, I consider there may be more earth-friendly power plants such as solar power plants, wind power plants and so on. This is, of course, to prevent global warming. Related to this, there is a big problem of nuclear plants. I think nuclear plants won’t disappear in 2040. It can generate enormous amounts of energy, so we may not be able to stop using this energy. Finally, sadly enough, several countries might cease to exist in 2040 because of influence of global warming. The sea level have been rising even now. So, I think we have to act to prevent it.   I hope we will have a happy year in 2040.  

The world in 2040 / Hung-Yi

 In 2040, I think the world will have a change like we will use electric car, RFID, and robot clerk. In this world now, a lot of people are saying to drive in a electric car, but i think it is not the best time to drive electric car, I think 2040 will be a good time to change our car to electric car. in that time the technology will be better to drive in to electric car. And in 2040, when you go to buy anything in shop, we will not use Bar code, we will RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), this is a thing that you just need to put your commodity in to a box, than the machine will know what did you put in the box, and it will tell you how much does it cost. And last one I think it will be no human clerk in the shop, the clerk will be robot. In 2040, I think the technology will be enough to use robot to do anything easy, and a lot of job will change to robot, but the human will not be no work to do, because there are a lot of work that the robot can't do in 2040, the reason is the

The World in 2040 / Mayu Kawaguchi

The world might be changed a lot in 2040. I'll be 38 years old, and where do I live? I predict that "Woven City" will have been constructed and many Japanese might live in. "Woven City" is a city planned by TOYOTA for demonstration, AI like robots, automobile car,  personal mobility e.g. are appear in  there and functioning. I think that some would like to live in there and others not, in my opinion, I don't want to live such a city. I'd like to live somewhere more natural though, I want to respect people who invent such an amazing technology. Next, various people could live more comfortably. Understanding toward minority will be more common than now, and prejudices might decrease. Many changes would appear in social system, facility, and of course in people's mind. Finally, the condition of the earth might be worse. I predict more terrible disaster will happen more frequently. Of course I don't desire such a future, but I think to make the envir

The World in 2040 / Takuto Sasaki

      Recently, the world is changing due to globalization and the development of science and technology.       I have three predictions in 2040. First, I think many language will disappear. Due to globalization, various cultures are interacting and mixing. Therefore, minority culture can be lost. The minority loses to the majority. Even in the countryside of Japan, dialects are being lost. Second, many creatures may be extinct. Ecosystems and climate are changing. In addition, some creatures are declining in habit by human activity. Actually, organisms are extinct at a tremendous pace now, so we should think the environment more. Third, cashless will go on. Internationally standardized electronic money and ID management technology will be realized and spread. We can use various services with high safety and convenience anywhere in the world without having a wallet.       The world is changing rapidly. However, that's not always a good thing. I hope we are in better world in 2040.

The world in2040 / Honoka Kimoto

 I predict the world in 2040 from viewpoints of environment, food shortage, food waste, and delivery technology.  More and more forests would disappear around the world, because today, a large part of forests is destroying by people. However, there are many campaign to save forests. I hope these campaign can spread in society. I also want to do something to save forests.  I think the problems of food shortage and food waste are going to be reduced by 2040.There are many problems around the world, but food problems are the mast familiar to us. I know some commitments to reduce these problems. We have to be interested in those efforts. I believe that we mightn't disappear those problems by 2040, but we can reduce the problems.    Delivery technology will develop rapidly, because many people stay at home now. Drone will be common tools to deliver. I think that drone will deliver most of  packages by 2040.   I hope that the world in 2040 will be happy and we will spend peaceful life fo

The World in 2040 -Ayuka Teramoto-

 In 2040, I'll be 40 years old. Some technology will develop. First of all, AI. AI is artificial intelligence. AI is still in its infancy, but maybe it will be possible to summarize and understand the story. For instance, if we have meetings, AI will join the meeting too and summarize and understand the story. It would be useful. I think it will come true. Second is about health. Now, coronavirus is a big problem all over the world. We have to think about our health more than before. It may be good to have a machine that can make an early diagnosis. The current situation is that it is not known until the next day whether the corona is positive or not. However, I think it would be great if the results were obtained in about 5 minutes. Next is about education. I have heard that some schools take classes on the iPad. I think it's good idea to use it. It's because we don't need to bring text book. It may come true. And last thing is self-driving car. I want to ride an auton

The World in 2040 / Chiaki Hamada

  I guess that 10% of Japan’s solitary houses will disappear due to natural disasters in 2040. Because natural disasters have occurred annually in recent years and every time there’s a natural disaster, it destroys solitary houses. Many people who lost their solitary houses move into an apartment. So, 10% of Japan’s solitary houses will disappear in 2040.   I guess that we will become able to go into the future in 2040. According to a TV show that I watched before, maybe, we can’t rewind time. But researcher invented the technology to go into the future. They are still experimenting but I guess this technology will put into practical use by 2040.   I guess that many people will lose their job in 2040. It is said that AI will take our jobs in the near future. I think it is true because AI can work more accurately than people. For these reasons, I guess that many people will lose their job in 2040.

A poor man.

There lived a very poor man in a village. The man's name is Kate. He was so clumsy that he couldn't get hired for work, and he was steadily earning money by playing live on the streets. That money wasn't enough to eat rice But his song impressed everyone who passed very well. One day, a song producer happened to pass by and listen to his song. The producer invited him into the world of music. At first he was nervous because he wasn't confident in his song at all, but he became confident because it was well  received by many people. And in less than a year he became very famous. His songs have spread all over the world and have been heard by many people. He was very poor at first, but now he is very rich. But he knows the pain of those who don't have money. So he also started a lot of volunteer work to help those who are suffering. And he became famous all overthe world as a singer and a hero. 

Mike and Wasabi--Mizuki Sato

  There were Mike and Wasabi. Mike was sixteen years old. And Wasabi is a Shiba inu. Mike and Wasabi lived in peace. One day, an AI robot appeared with a plan to invade the town of Mike. Its name is James. Mike and Wasabi had met James, who controls people. Then, a new application was installed on Mike’s smartphone. Mike dreadfully opened the application. There was a button with the words Transform. Mike pressed the button. Then, Wasabi transformed. Mike and transformed Wasabi fought and won James. After, Mike and Wasabi made James ally. However, a new enemy has appeared. He called himself Dr.William. Dr.William had made James. Dr.William was manipulating James and was the boss. Mike, Wasabi and James fought and won Dr.William. Therefore, Mike and Wasabi protected the peace of the town.

The Miracle of Hitomi -- Kie Ishikura

Hitomi worked at a convenience store during aiming to become an action actress.One day, a robber broke into the convenience store due to getting a lot of money. She was surprised to appear the robber. But, because she had practised drama and action for five years, she could knock down the robber by her drama and action. This news became famous, and then her action also became famous at a moment. Moreover, her action and drama was highly evaluated by many famous directors, and she became to appear a number of action movies.

Daily Stress Explodes -- Takuto Sasaki

Many people were scared at night.  A man suddenly shot a gun outside. There were no deaths. His name is Jack the Ripper and he lives in Auckland. He is a university student, but he cannot go to the university because of COVID-19. He could not make friends, so he was living a boring day. He was very stressed because he could not do what he wanted to do at all. He really wanted to travel, study abroad, and have a good university life. In addition, the country has locked down. At last, his limits have been exceeded. He fired a gun all over the city. He did not kill anyone because he just wanted to relieve stress. He was immediately arrested. He was hospitalized because he was mentally ill. He is recovering well now. I want the COVID-19 to converge quickly and become a fun world.

A Hero in the Dark -- Maho Yasaka

 One of the boy who live in Tokyo, he wants to destroy the city of heroes. There are many heroes in this world but their purpose is not for their justice spirit. It is only important for money, fame and popularity. So he wants to change that world from the origin.  Taiki through that his father is one of those fool heroes but his father was good guy and he had no choice to be a true hero for some reason. He was intimidated by a hero who is the best hero in Japan. “ If you don’t join us we’ll kill your son.” Taiki organized a villain team but the members are not just villains. They are outlaws and they have a spirit of justice. They are going to make a world without the hero who oppresses people. They fight with heroes and take back Taiki’s father. His father “Taisuke” was in hypnosis for attack to villains by the top hero’s strong order. So Taiki have to fight his father for protect his men. Finally, he killed his father and he lost a light from his eyes and promised the revenge for fa

A Politician was Attacked by Angry People -- Itsuki Ito

 In the last weekend, a politician was attacked by angry people in front of Todaiji in Nara. His name is Akira Takemoto.  Last month, he announced that building a new monument in front of Todaiji to celebrate his birthday. The local people was very angry to hear the announcement. They argued that it is needless and wasting money. However, Takemoto ignored their opinions, so some people attacked Takemoto. Takemoto was broken his arms through this riot. According to the announcement of police, three people were arrested. After that, Takemoto said "I understand their rage. I am wrong, so I will stop this plan." 

A Novice Paramedic - Honoka Kimoto

    Marry was a novice paramedic. She was not confident in herself and she had a lot of siblings.   One day, she was walking in her city. suddenly, she heard a sound of gunshot, and then, someone cry for help. When she rushed to the scene of crime, a man was lying in front of big house. His injuries were severe, but thanks to her proper medical treatment, he survived.  He was shot by a robber.  Afterward, he was thankful for her first aid and he gave her some rewards.   This event prompted her to get confident and courage.   Now, she is an outstanding paramedic.

Invader Cames to the Earth -- Michino Araki

Mike - Main character Wasabi - Mike's dog James - AI robot Dr.William - Producer of James One day, AI robots came to invade the earth. The robot's name was James. Mike transformed his dog, Wasabi, to fight. They finally won the fight and made James on their side. However, another day, an alien attacked us. His name was Dr.William, and he was the person who planned to send James to invade the earth. The three defeated Dr. William and protected the earth.

A Robber Attacked a Jewellry Store -- Misaki Seino

A robber attacked a jewellry store in the morning on 31 August. He shot employees. He took all jewels and ran away by car. Some of employees got injured legs and arms. Three days later, the robber was found in the city which is 500 kilometres away from the jewellry store. He was arrested but he had already sold jewels.

A Hero -- Rio Koyama

      The boy was bullied by his classmates. His name is John. He didn’t attack them definitely. He is very nervous, so he can’t always give his opinion.      One day, Nancy, who he loves, was being mean to a lot of boys. So he wanted to help her somehow, but he don’t have the courage. Disgusted with himself, John discovered a new talent. He is getting stronger and more confident.      Next day, he fought bullies and defeated them. After that, he became the superhero of the class.      Then, one of the seniors heard the rumor and came over challenged John to a match. He was a little intimidated, but he accepted the match. And what a victory!     And he made a name for himself as the school’s number one superhero. 

Actress Survives Crash -- Hung Yi-Peng

  In the early morning of September 9, there is a car crash in Taichung City Center. Due to bad weather, when the driver tried to turn right, the car skidded and crashed into a car which carrying a famous actress. It was understood that the driver is going to work, but because of the rain, the car skidded and crashed into a car carrying a famous actress who was going to shoot her new film, fortunately the people who were in the car are safe, only a few small hurt. The police will check for the car crash responsibility. The Police remind be careful on rainy day.

Many People Were Angered by an Statement -- Koyomi Abe

 On August 31, an incident happened in front of the Parliament Building. Many people gathered and protested something intensely to politicians. Two politicians these people were protesting against were Daniel and Tomas. They had said that “We suggest to cut labor’s salary”. Many people heard this and this statement made them so angry. That’s why a lot of people gathered in front of the Parliament Building. There were about 100 people there. They not only protested the statement, sometimes but also resorted to violence. As a result, two politicians were injured. Their arms were broken. It is thought sad story. I think each people should act after consideration deeply.

Bank Robbery -- Kentaro Maruyama

     One day, a robbery is happened in Japanese bank. That is so big incident because robbers have a lot of hostage in the bank. So, polices is really nervous, and they can't storm in the bank. After the couple hours, surprisingly, the robbers come out from the bank with the gun pointed them. Actually, that's reason why the real police was using the bank as a customer, so he can get the gun from the robbers and he help all hostage from the big incident. His name is Nobunaga Oda. After the day, his name is posted all news papers and he becomes famous person as a hero in Japan.

Actress Survives Crash -- Mei Sakata

   The terrible traffic accident happened in the U.S on August 15, 2021. One track and Porsche crashed at intersection. While one who drove the track received a minor wound, the other who drove the car suffered a severe wound. Fortunately, no one except the two was involved in the accident. The man who drove the track was Ken Smith, and he was arrested because he had been driving under the influence of alcohol. So, the cause of the accident is his drunk driving. In addition, surprisingly, the woman who drove the car was Jessica Wilson. She is a famous actress all over the world. She was found in a bad state in her car, but through the ten-hour operation she survived. Though the doctor said that it would take four months for her to recover from the wound, she left the hospital in three months! She is still actress now.

The Story of a Man Who Chased His Dream -- Eiji Kato

Once upon a time there was a man. His name was Joe Jackson. He was a lover of living things, especially wild birds. He wanted to capture the world's vibrant birdlife on camera, but he became seriously ill. So, he was told by his doctor that it would be difficult to travel long distances. However, he could not give up on his dream and worked very hard to treat and rehabilitate his illness. As a result, he was able to fully recover from his illness and travel the world. He worked as a photographer all his life and left behind many works. Joe’s photographs still fascinate many people today.

Xmas Miracle -- Mayu Kawaguchi

  This was happened on a snowing Xmas day. Emma was walking on the street. She was here to buy Xmas presents for her boyfriend Jim.     Her love toward Jim was so big that she bought as many presents as she couldn’t hold. She was staggering on the street holding numerals presents. At that time, a man was coming toward her, but he was also holding a lot of presents and staggering. Both were not aware each other and finally they were crashed.     Their presents were scattered on the ground, and they fell over. Unfortunately, it was snowing on that day, so the ground condition was terrible. Their presents got wet and broken.    They stood up and looked at each other, and they were surprised! The man was her boyfriend, Jim! He had also bought many presents for Emma. They laughed each other. Both bought too much presents. But they were really happy. Although their presents were no use, they spend a wonderful special Xmas day.