Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Chiaki Hamada

 It was difficult to discuss this topic in English because I don’t know many English words. It was difficult to express what I wanted to say. 

When I discussed in today’s class, I was able to use some of the phrase in the book. I think that “That’s a good point.” and “That sounds good.” were easy to use. 

I think the question “What type of tours you will organise” was easy to answer. For the reason that, we chose Okinawa as the location, it was easy to imagine famous activities in Okinawa. There are many famous activity and tourist destination. On the other hand, the question “how the company will be different from other tour companies” was most difficult to respond to. Because I can’t come up with any idea. My members in the same breakout room came up with a good idea. I had no imagination.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Chiaki. I am glad that you were able to so quickly use some of the expressions for responding to others' ideas.
    I agree with you that coming up with 'a point of difference' for a company is difficult. In the end, though, your group did come up with some excellent ideas for attracting business to your company. :-)


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