Actress Survives Crash -- Mei Sakata


 The terrible traffic accident happened in the U.S on August 15, 2021. One track and Porsche crashed at intersection. While one who drove the track received a minor wound, the other who drove the car suffered a severe wound. Fortunately, no one except the two was involved in the accident. The man who drove the track was Ken Smith, and he was arrested because he had been driving under the influence of alcohol. So, the cause of the accident is his drunk driving. In addition, surprisingly, the woman who drove the car was Jessica Wilson. She is a famous actress all over the world. She was found in a bad state in her car, but through the ten-hour operation she survived. Though the doctor said that it would take four months for her to recover from the wound, she left the hospital in three months! She is still actress now.


  1. It was a greatest story. I thought she has so strong body.

    1. Thank you so much! She is very strong and lucky!

  2. We mustn't drink alcohol when we drive a car. I relieved to see that she is still an actress now.

    1. Thank you for your comment! I think so too! She is very fine now!

  3. That is very bad to drink alcohol before driving a car. I will not do that in the future.

    1. Thank you for your comment! It is important to remember the danger of alcohol!

  4. Takuto Sasaki
    A man is very bad. I have a car, so I never drive after drinking alcohol.

    1. Thank you for your comment! The man may regret what he did! I'm so surprised that you have a car!

  5. A gritty news story, well done. Nice that there was a happy ending after all & the actress recovered from her injuries. :-)

    1. Thank you for your comment! I like happy ending, so I made the ending of this story happy!


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