Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Hung-Yi

 I think using English to discuss this topic is a little difficult for me, because I can't use English very well.

I can't able to use some of the phrases in the book to make suggestions or give opinions, but I will practice to use phrases in the book.

I think the easiest question is he name of the company. Because it just need to give it a name and let the name fit our company's type.

The most difficult question is how the company will be different from other tour companies. Because there is a lot of trick from other tour companies, so it will be more difficult to think what can we do to have different from other tour companies.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Hung. I am glad that you have made the commitment to practice the phrases for managing discussions. You would have had an opportunity to practice some of these phrases on Friday as you continued your discussion with your fellow team members.
    By the way, in the end I think you did come up with a good 'point of difference' from the other companies -- online tours!' :-)

  2. I think your English ability is wonderful. Your idea was very interesting!!


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