Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Rio Koyama

It was a little difficult for me to think about this topic in English, because this topic was difficult to think about even in Japanese, but in English, I have to pay even more attention to grammar and vocabulary. 

And I was able to use some phrases in the book to make suggestions. It was hard for me to use them and it took quite a bit of time, but it’s very good learning experience. 

The easiest question was the name and location of the company. It was easy to think about it because it was a subject that promotes tourism in my hometown. So I thought of all the local attractions.

On the other hand, the most difficult question was how the company will be different from other tour companies. There are a lot of companies out there, and making a difference means that I have to come up with new ideas that are unique. It was like a real business management strategy, so it was very hard for me. 


  1. Thoughtful comments, Rio. Well done!
    I think that, with practise, you will be able to use expressions such as "What about.x?' & "How about if we y?" spontaneously.
    Indeed, it is one thing to think of some interesting places to visit in the vicinity of your hometown, but it is another thing to think of some points of difference for your travel offerings. I think you succeeded in this area, though, in the end. Your company's camping & glamping options would give it an advantage over others I believe. :-)


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