The World in 2040 / Mei Sakata


I think the weather problem (e.g., hurricanes, drought and flooding) will be more serious by 2040. The main cause of this phenomenon is global warming. Even recently, the natural disaster has happened all over the world, and many people die. So, we cannot help changing weather. However, I believe some good changes will occur. Firstly, the rate of green energy will be higher than now. The governments in different countries try to increase the rate now, and more solar panels or wind power generators will be built. However, nuclear energy won’t disappear because it produces much energy by a little cost. So, any government will depend on it in 2040. Second, our vehicles will very develop. Hydrogen-fueled transport, electric cars and self-driving cars will be widespread. As a result, the traffic accidents are going to decrease, and anyone even elderly people will enjoy driving. Finally, virtual reality will be common. We use it for playing game, traveling, and practicing drive. 


  1. I agree these predictions. It will increase the damage from natural disaster.

    1. I'm really sad! So, we need to consider how to decrease the damages!

  2. I also think that the problem of weather will be worse in the future due to the effects of global warming.

    1. I think we cannot help being affected by global warming. So, we should try to decrease the effect of it!

  3. Takuto Sasaki
    I have a grandfather and grandmother, but they drive a car. I think it's dangerous. Therefore, I wish self-driving cars come true.

    1. I think so too!! I hope everyone can enjoy driving in the future!

  4. I can understand your prediction! It is scary that we can' t predict to happen natural phenomenon...

    1. I think so too! We wish we could predict natural phenomenon! However, we have things we can do now!

  5. Kentaro Maruyama
    I also think green energy is harmless for global warming, but as you said that they can't generate enough energy for our lives, so we can't help use harmful things like a nuclear power. So, it's difficult problem.

    1. As you said, green energy isn't perfect and has several problems. So, I hope green energy will become an more effective tool in the future!

  6. Misaki Seino
    I want to play virtual reality games someday!

    1. Me too! However, we need to take care not to spend too much time!

  7. I agreed with your predictions. I hope it will come true.^^

    1. I hope so! I'm looking forward to the future!

  8. It is certainly nice to think of a future in which the road toll will be much less and even the elderly can enjoy road trips in safety. If this occurs, that will free up space in our hospitals so more elective surgeries will be able to be performed to the benefit of many. :-)

    1. I hope so! Driving in safety will lead good effect!

  9. As you said, the issue of climate will be unavoidable. It's an interesting article!

    1. It is a pity though... But we can approach something in order to decrease the damages since now!!

  10. I also think that the disaster will be severe. So, I think it is necessary to change society in response to them.

  11. I think so too! It is better to approach these problems as soon as possible!


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