The world in 2040 / Eiji Kato

Nowadays, it is said that the world is changing. For example, energy resource is not relying on fossil fuel only and many countries are experiencing huge disasters every year. Also, earth’s environment is rapidly disappearing and large amounts of creatures are in danger of extinction. Now, I’d like to predict the world in 2040 from these three points: energy, disasters, and the environment and creatures.


The first topic is energy. Green energy such as solar or wind power is in the center of public attention now. Hydrogen is also a type of this energy. It can produce electricity and doesn’t emit carbon dioxide. And many scientists are working research to be able to use hydrogen energy more effective. So, hydrogen is powerful as a future energy source.


Secondly, let’s look at disasters. This is one of the most important problem for countries all over the world. In my opinion, these disasters will be more severe than now by 2040 because of climate change. This means that trying to find ways to prevent damage will become much more serious matter.


Next, I will talk about the future environment and creatures. If we won’t be able to stop climate change, the environment on earth may be destroyed and various creatures that live there will become extinct. For instance, wildfire is occurring in some places and vast areas forest are being lost. As a result, many creatures are losing their habitat and dying.


These are my predictions in 2040. However, I think people must manage to avoid these situations. One of the solutions is the use of green energy. This could stop climate change and save people and earth from terrible disaster and extinction.


  1. Wow, Eiji, this writing is really good. Well done! You structure your writing, or set it out really well. This is called coherence, so you have a very coherent structure. It is easy to understand. You use good vocabulary and grammar. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you for your comments. I am really happy! I'll keep on studying English!

  2. Interesting post, Eiji! I haven't looked in to the potential of hydrogen as a fuel. It sounds like if it can be effectively harnessed it could be the answer to the world's energy needs. We'll have to see what happens! :-)

    1. Thank you for your comments. I think hydrogen can be a good source of energy because we can use it to make electricity. I'm looking forward to the future of this field.

  3. There will be good things and bad things in 2040. As you said, we must strive to create a better future.

    1. Thank you for your input. I'd like to do everything to stop global warming.

  4. We should face global warming for the future! I hope everyone from human to other creature will be able to live happily!

  5. I totally agree with you. I hope we have a wonderful future.


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