Using email/text message -Chiaki Hamada-

Many people in the world are using email and text message. The main advantage is that we don't have to adjust to the other person's schedule. Whether an addressee is busy or not, we can send anytime. It is a good point that is not in the phone and direct dialogue. 

In addition, it is easy to use. We can use it if we have a smartphone or a computer. It is convenient for people. I’m sure that most of the workers and students have own smartphone or computer. Wherever we are in the world, we can contact someone.

However, it has some disadvantage. The main disadvantage is that we cannot understand the sender's feeling. I think that compare with when we meet and converse, it’s easy to mistake to understand sender’s feeling when we use email and text message. It is a serious problem in communication. We have to use suitable expression. And sometimes it is good to use “Emoticon”. We have to shows clear and obvious expressions when we write emails.

As well as that, we might miss some email. If it is an important contact, it is terrible. Additionally, If the communication environment is bad, we cannot receive the email. We can send email and text message anytime and anywhere in the world but this technology is easily influenced by the communication environment.

In my opinion, email and text message are good technology for people. But they have some disadvantages. Especially when we want to express our feelings, we should not use it.


  1. I agree with your opinion. We have to be careful to use e-mail and text messages. What does ''Emoticon'' means?

    1. Thanks. ^^ Emoticon means "Emoji" or "Kaomoji". It's a coined word combines "Emoji" and "icon".

  2. Hi Chiaki, I agree with you that we have to make an effort to communicate the appropriate feelings when we are writing a text or an email. I actually often use the smiley face emoticon at the end of my texts and emails to show that I have good will for my addressees.
    Have you ever had the experience when someone has misunderstood your intention on receiving a text or email from you?
    David :-)

    1. Hi David, I think emoticon a sense of security.
      When I was a high school student, I made my friend angry by giving my opinion using email.

  3. Kentaro Maruyama
    I agree with you. I usually care about expressing my feeling on the text, so I often use ! and Emoji.
    It is important to avoid to be caught difference meaning to other parson.

    1. You are absolutely right. I think "!" and Emoji are convenient. ^^

  4. I think the biggest problem with email and message is there will be a lot of strange message, if you don't look at your email or message careful, your phone or computer will broken very easy, so I think in the future, the school need to teach how to identify spam.

    1. I didn't have such an idea. It is also important thing.

  5. As you said, it is difficult. We need to be considerate to others.


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