The World in 2040 / Takuto Sasaki

     Recently, the world is changing due to globalization and the development of science and technology. 

    I have three predictions in 2040. First, I think many language will disappear. Due to globalization, various cultures are interacting and mixing. Therefore, minority culture can be lost. The minority loses to the majority. Even in the countryside of Japan, dialects are being lost. Second, many creatures may be extinct. Ecosystems and climate are changing. In addition, some creatures are declining in habit by human activity. Actually, organisms are extinct at a tremendous pace now, so we should think the environment more. Third, cashless will go on. Internationally standardized electronic money and ID management technology will be realized and spread. We can use various services with high safety and convenience anywhere in the world without having a wallet. 

    The world is changing rapidly. However, that's not always a good thing. I hope we are in better world in 2040.


  1. There is certainly a possibility where many languages are disappear in 2040. After reading your article, I thought that we need to protect our culture.

  2. I agreed with your predictions. Cashless is increasing and developing in the world now, but it may occur various money accidents such as scam. I think it's a little dangerous for me to use only cashless.

  3. Some activists are fighting to stop language deaths, but I think the loss of many languages is probably inevitable. Something happening in NZ that is exciting is the revitalisation of the Maori language, the language of our indigenous people. A lot of Maori words have been entering NZ English of late as well. :-)

  4. I totally understand your writing about and we have to protect the culture

  5. It's sad that various things disappear. I too hope that 2040 will be a good future.


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