Owning a car/Hung-Yi

In the present world, having a car is a very common things. More and more car have made, this make our world a very big change, like make the world's economic have a very big improve, make our world more convenient. Although this kind of things seems good for our world, but in fact this make our world facing a lot of new problems.
Present automotive industry, "Car" is really important and we need it everyday, this make our world very convenient, you can go anywhere you want, and you can go outside when you want. "Car" also make a big change to our economic, in 2007, there are 800 million cars driving on the road, this mean there are really a very big business in automotive industry.
On the other hand, because their are very much of cars, so in 2007, we use 9.8 trillion liters oils, it is really a big problem, this make our world really dirty. As we know, in 2007 there are 800 million cars on the road, so there are more than 800 million cars in the world now, this make our traffic really busy, the problem of heavy traffic is, when we are waiting for the traffic go smooth, the engine of our cars are continue to run, it will make a lot of unnecessary wasting energy. And this make metropolitan's living quality bad, when there are any emergency things, we can't have good emergency way to deal with the problem.
Owning a car have a lot of advantage and disadvantage, so it is very important to let everyone to know what is "want" and what is "need". I think "want" mean that you don't need but you fancy, "need" mean it is essential or very important let you must have or do.


  1. It was interesting contents. I thought it's great that you told current status of cars and clearly figures. It was easy for me to read it. ^^

  2. Kentaro Maruyama
    I know cars make our lives more convenient, but we have to think about the oil and emission gas
    problem. It is difficult to resolved.

    1. Yes, but I think we have to think about "want" or "need".

  3. Thanks for sharing, Hung. Indeed when the number of cars on the road makes it impossible to actually drive your car, the situation has reached a ridiculous point. What steps do you think can be taken to ween people off their cars? How can people be persuaded to let go of them? David :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I think to let people go of cars is impossible. But of course, I think to persuaded people not to use cars is very important. I think if there is a huge disaster, people will go back to introspection, at that time I think people will think over not to use cars or to invent a new things which is more convenient like Doraemon's door.

  4. The appearance of the car changed the society. When I went to Taiwan, I thought there were more cars than Japan. We have to think not only about ourselves but also the environment.

    1. In Taiwan, our cars are too much, so it makes our life very bad, if you come to Taiwan's country side, you can hear a lot of noisy which are comes from cars.

  5. Yes, in Taiwan, there are a lot of people who buys the car to show how rich are they, buy in fact, they borrow the money from bank.


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