The world in 2040 / Itsuki Ito

 I have three predictions. Firstly, I think that self-driving cars will be more common in 2040. These days, some companies try to make self-driving cars and the technology will be developing in the future. I hope the car accidents will decrease in 2040 to use self-driving cars. Secondly, the climate may change by 2040. Nowadays, I often hear the news about damage from torrential rain in Japan. Of course, global warming bring about these abnormal weather. I think the damage from climate will be more seriously in 2040 than now. We should think the way of halt the global warming. Thirdly, we will be able to live longer in 2040. The medical technology develop in the future, so we may recover from incurable illness.


  1. Well done, Itsuki. Your writing is really good. You have some good vocabulary and grammar. You also make good use of time markers, e.g., firstly, secondly, etc. Try to use paragraphs when you change your topic. Keep up the good work!

  2. I think so, too. It is important to think of ways to combat climate change.

  3. I agree with your opinions. I hope that we could drive a car more safety.

  4. I agreed with your predictions. I hope the medical technology will develop firstly and want to decrease coronavirus infection.

  5. Interesting thoughts, Itsuki. I wonder if we will be able to live longer, though, if global warming gets worse. As the average temperature gets hotter, more lives will be lost through heat stroke and if incidents of torrential rain & flooding become more common that will effect average life expectancy as well. What do you think? :-)

  6. I think climate change will be more serious than now in 2040.

  7. I think we have to prepare for bad weather in 2040.


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