What I Have Learnt So Far / Ayuka Teramoto

     In this course, I could learn various things. I could get great experiences. I learned GDFC in Mike's class. It's the most important for us to use it in conversation. At first, I have talked only my answers and I couldn't talk more details. However, I changed my conversation skills and improved by learning it. And also, I could get into the habit of looking up any words I didn't know while taking classes. I try to learn 10 new words every day since the beginning of this course. I would like to keep doing it from now too. I think I don't have confidence to speak English because I think I must speak perfect English sentences. So, I want to change the mind and have confidence to speak. In the future weeks of this programs, I hope that I try to speak a lot even if I make mistakes. I want to grow my English skills by the end of this programs.


  1. Hope we can use GDFC better, and use it more nature.

  2. Insightful comments, Ayuka. Thanks for sharing them. It is indeed important to add details & feelings when interacting with others. In addition, you're right about not waiting to speak until you know English perfectly. It is better to say what you can with what you know & to experiment with words, phrases & structures you are learning. That way you'll grow your knowledge through experience. :-)

  3. Great ideas, Ayuka. Remember that learning anything is like riding a bicycle. You get on and fall off, but then you get back on again. The more you get back on, the more you will improve. You will make mistakes with your speaking, but that is a beautiful thing. It is even more beautiful to get back up and try again!


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