Discussing setting up a tour company/Kentaro Maruyama

 Our project is a online trip in Kyoto, because we chose the online, people can join it easily even if the covid-19 is spreading. The trip concludes the sightseeing in Kyoto, and people can study Japanese  history, and presenting some gift about Kyoto. So, it's informative for other county people. 

I used some phrases to do the good conversation smoothly. I almost agreed with member's opinions. The first question that thinking the company name and contents was easy for us. So, we could decide it in earliest. 


  1. What a fascinating idea to organise virtual tours of Kyoto! By the way, how would you organise the study of Japanese history for your tour participants? Would you assign them videos to watch or readings to do and then give them some discussion questions to address?
    I am glad that you found the phrases introduced on page 50 helped you discuss matters smoothly. :-)

  2. It's an exciting idea for the current situation. I want to participate the most among all the ideas.


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