The world in2040 / Honoka Kimoto

 I predict the world in 2040 from viewpoints of environment, food shortage, food waste, and delivery technology.

 More and more forests would disappear around the world, because today, a large part of forests is destroying by people. However, there are many campaign to save forests. I hope these campaign can spread in society. I also want to do something to save forests.

 I think the problems of food shortage and food waste are going to be reduced by 2040.There are many problems around the world, but food problems are the mast familiar to us. I know some commitments to reduce these problems. We have to be interested in those efforts. I believe that we mightn't disappear those problems by 2040, but we can reduce the problems.
 Delivery technology will develop rapidly, because many people stay at home now. Drone will be common tools to deliver. I think that drone will deliver most of  packages by 2040.
I hope that the world in 2040 will be happy and we will spend peaceful life forever.


  1. Well done, Honoka. Your writing is really good. You have some excellent vocabulary - above the Intermediate level of vocabulary. Be careful with your tenses - "I believe that we mightn't disappear those problems," and spelling, "mast." Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you very much for your advices. I keep studying English and I want to see you again someday in New Zealand. Thank you so much.

  2. I also think that it is difficult to disappear those problems, but your idea that we can reduce the problems of food shortage is so great.

    1. Thank you so much. I try to do something to reduce food shortage.

  3. It is interesting how two of your problems are linked. Forests are being cut down or burned off so more crops can be grown and more livestock can be raised, but if we wasted less food we wouldn't need to remove so many forests! We must do everything we can not to waste food. :-)

    1. I agree with your opinions. I think that I will study agriculture to reduce food waste!!

  4. I think Drone will be one of the common thing in 2040, and a lot of commodity will use it to carry.

    1. I think so too. The technology will help many people!

  5. I think people living in rich countries such as us should consider about wasting food more and try not to waste them. And then, I hope that people living in poor countries will be able to have adequate food.

    1. I agree with you! I think we have to think about food waste everyday!!


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