Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company -- Kie Ishikura

It was difficult for me to discuss this topic in English because it took time to come up with

my idea and then finished the discussion.

I was unable to use some of the phrases in the book, give opinions and agree or disagree.

Therefore, I should have spoken positively as soon as possible before thinking too much.

 I thought it was easy for me to answer the location of the company because I wanted to set up

the company in Nara. But, it was difficult for me to answer how the company will be different

from other tour companies because I didn’t know about other tour companies.



  1. Thanks for sharing about your experience, Rie. There is indeed a tension between needing to spend time to prepare to talk and only having a limited amount of time to do that talking in. Try to aim to respond to what others say more quickly.
    I can understand, though, how it was easy for you to select Nara as a site for your company. It was a coincidence that you live in one of the most significant sites for tourism in your country. :-)


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