The world in 2040 / Koyomi Abe

 I think the world of 2040 will be completely different from the world of 2021.

First of all, I think that electric cars and hydrogen-fuelled cars will be more common in 2040. It is Because the technology has been developing for long time. Also, the prise may be lower and easier to buy in the future.

Secondly, I consider there may be more earth-friendly power plants such as solar power plants, wind power plants and so on. This is, of course, to prevent global warming. Related to this, there is a big problem of nuclear plants. I think nuclear plants won’t disappear in 2040. It can generate enormous amounts of energy, so we may not be able to stop using this energy.

Finally, sadly enough, several countries might cease to exist in 2040 because of influence of global warming. The sea level have been rising even now. So, I think we have to act to prevent it.


I hope we will have a happy year in 2040.



  1. Well done, Koyomi. Your writing is good. You have good vocabulary and grammar and your ideas are simple to follow. You also have a good structure. Check your work for capital letters in the middle of sentences, "Because," or incorrect spelling, "prise." Keep up the good work!

  2. It's interesting. I also hope our future is happy!

  3. I agree with your ideas. We have to do something to protect the environment!!

  4. Indeed countries will be tempted to continue using nuclear power stations. The problem of safely disposing the radioactive waste from these plants remains, though. :-)

  5. I want to stop global warming! I'm really sad that several country might cease to exist!


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