
Showing posts from November, 2021

My Wedding and Other Secrets / Hung-Yi

In this movie, Emily's met a problem which is about her parents want her to married with a Chinese New Zealander. I think most of Chinese people immigrate to other country have same opinion. So Emily have this problem is very common. I like this movie, because this movie show the problem of the people who came to other country and want their son or daughter married with the people who was same as them. And I think I like James the most, although sometimes he can't accept Chinese culture, but I think he did really well when he show his decision that he wants to marry with Emily. And I think it is important have respect to other culture and people, try something that you don't eat often or you haven't looked before, you will got different opinion, and this is a kind of respect different culture. Also, I think if the Chu family can use Chinese more often, it will more like the general Chinese family who go to New Zealand, and the problem of the culture will be more clearly

My Wedding & Other Secrets

What did you think of the movie 'My Wedding & Other Secrets'? What did you like about it? Who was your favourite character & why? What did the movie teach you about how to get along with people from other cultures? What changes could be made to improve this movie? What score would you give the movie out of 5?

A Website Review/ Kentaro Maruyama

          I’ll introduce “Twitter” which is a social media and very famous in the world. People can see many recent news on Twitter about all over the world that is the most strength. Recently, a politician election was held in Japan, and a news on Twitter showed that the rate of voting among young people was very low. The tweet got me more motivated to getting know about Japanese politics. In addition, recently Twitter implemented a new function that is called “Space” which allows people to talk together if they don’t know each other. People can use the function on Twitter application. The point is a new strength.      On the other hand, there is a lot of fake information and news on Twitter, which is a weakness. Because of a lot of fake news, people mustn’t believe easily. A diffusion power is also a weakness, so if people post videos, which took bad actions, their faces will become badly famous. For example, a man was become famous because of his bad action through Twitter in Japan.

A Website Review -Ayuka Teramoto-

  I’ll tell you about Instagram which is a social media website. There are many strengths to Instagram. Two of the strengths are that we can share photos and communicate with foreign people. It’s a useful and good website, isn’t it? And, if we go to eat out somewhere, but we can’t find a place where we want to go, we can search the places to Instagram. We can look at some pictures of food and famous restaurants. Moreover, we can research other places such as museums. However, there is a weakness to Instagram. For example, people share privacies such as names, faces, and places on Instagram. We must be careful when we use it. It may cause some problems about privacy such as being stolen information. Many friend have their information stolen from Instagram not just one. It was quite dangerous. When I was a junior high school student, I started to use Instagram, but I’m not sure. I was recommended it for my friends. I always use it. It’s an essential social media. I would give it five sta

A website review /Afaf

   Amazon is an ecommerce website where people can do online shopping. I would recommend it because it contains several products such as books, clothes, beauty products and kitchen items, etc. which are cheaper than other shops and it has a lot of discount sales. It also has disadvantages such as, when you order something from Amazon, it takes about two to three weeks until it arrives. And I have heard that a while ago the website was hacked by someone, and he stole people’s card numbers. So, I do not think it safe to share your personal information with any website, or you can use a card that you can fill up with some money. A few years ago Amazon was really popular in Kuwait so I have tried it. But I have not used or visited it recently because nowadays there are many websites for online shopping, so I think Amazon has lost its popularity. I think that I would rate it 3 out of 5 because of the disadvantages, and there are many websites which are better than Amazon, and they are more

Wikipedia / Hung-Yi

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia. There is a lot of information in the Wikipedia. It is a free encyclopedia which you can edit by yourself, and most of the information is credible, some professional people say that Wikipedia’s information is not correct, because Wikipedia is a website which everyone can edit or adapt, the information in the Wikipedia sometimes hadn’t been assess, so I think when we are doing the homework which is about academic discipline, it will be better not to use Wikipedia, but if you just want to know more knowledge, I think Wikipedia can be the first choice. I am not sure when was the first time I used Wikipedia, and why I used it, but I think is because when I was finding anything on the internet, Wikipedia always on the top of the searching list, and over time, Wikipedia has become the first way I find the information. I use Wikipedia when I have any question, and I have question or topics I want to know about every day, so I use Wikipedia every day. Li

A Website Review

Make further corrections to your website review and upload it to the blog along with a relevant image.

Takeichi Ramen Restaurant / David

Takeichi Restaurant is a restaurant that provides the experience of eating ramen noodles to New Zealand diners. It is located on the corner of St Andrew Street and Great King Street in Dunedin and is usually open from 10am to 9pm. I have been there twice and have to say I didn’t particularly like the dishes I tried. I didn’t like the taste or appearance of the broth my noodles were served in and I would have liked to find more vegetables and slices of meat in the broth. The location of the restaurant is convenient though and the décor is lovely with some very realistic faux trees filled with autumn leaves located between some of the tables. In addition, the service is quite good. The waiters are polite, and the food is prepared fairly promptly. I will try Takeichi again, but next time I will try a different dish.

A Restaurant Review / Afaf

Maki is a Japanese restaurant in Kuwait which focus on quality ingredients. Although Its very expensive compared to other Japanese restaurants in Kuwait, its One of the best Japanese restaurants in Kuwait. There are 3 maki restaurants in Kuwait two of them are located in Kuwait City. The staff is so friendly and respectful. My favorite dish’s are Ebi sushi and chicken Yaki udon. Also, there is take away serves, table serves and delivery. The atmosphere is amazing because It overlooking the sea and its quiet and fancy place suitable for such a wonderful restaurant that I would recommend to anyone.

A Restaurant Review / Hung-Yi

This restaurant is famous in my town, a lot of people will go there to have a lunch or a dinner on the weekends, and it is very close from my house, it is just beside an elementary school which graduated. This restaurant is a Chinese style restaurant, and most of the meals are like pork, beef and chicken. The atmosphere in the restaurant are not bad, there is a small pond beside the restaurant. The price in the restaurant is a little bit expensive, but I think it is reasonably.

My Favorite Restaurant -Ayuka Teramoto-

       This restaurant is easy to access. It's located to near Nagoya station where is a big city station. It takes 5 minutes on foot to go there. We can't go to eat unless we reserve the restaurant. It is a popular steak restaurant that boasts steak with bones. The name of restaurant is T-bone Steak. We can eat T-bone steak, cheese, salad, and various kinds of food. T-bone is so big that we should share some people. Moreover, the restaurant comes with two kinds of bread and we can eat as much as we like. Although the price isn't cheap, we are able to eat steak at a reasonable price at lunch. I'd recommend you to go lunch time.  There are some good services in the restaurant. If we would like to celebrate people such as boyfriend or friends for birthday, the staff will make a desert plate and celebrate. It is kind and friendly. The atmosphere of the restaurant is fashionable and calm space. I'd recommend you to go there once.

A Restaurant Review / Kentaro Maruyama

      I went to a curry restaurant with my friend in Okazaki city in last August. There were many kinds of curries, although the restaurant handled curry only. In addition, I could choose the kind of nan such as cheese nan, garlic nan and chocolate nan. There were so many options that I couldn't choose easily. I chose cheese nan and pork curry. The curry set was a big amount, so when I finished eating, I was so full. The price was cheap, and there was a friendly atmosphere. However, the restaurant is so far from my house that I can't go there regularly. I want to go the restaurant in the future.

A Restaurant in My Town / City

Write a short review of a restaurant in your town or city, and illustrate it with a relevant photograph.

Time Travel / David

I would like to travel back in time to the Byzantium of Emperor Justinian & Empress Theodora who reigned between 527 & 565. I would like to wander the streets of Byzantium and marvel at the magnificent churches, palaces, baths and hippodromes of the city. I would like to learn Greek there so I could sit at the feet of the theologians of the time and understand their exposition of the Bible. Some things about Byzantium would be similar to the Instanbul of today, but there would be so much that would be different. The thing I would have to be careful about would be not getting ill. There were no antibiotics around at that time!

Time Travel / Kentaro Maruyama

           I want to go 100 years into the future because the period may have a lot of new inventions. I can't image about that, but it is fun. For example, smartphone will be more convenient, and new car might be used new energy that is good for environment. For these reasons, I want to go into the future.

Time Travel / Afaf

  If I could travel in time, I would travel 40 years into the future. In the future there would be more Inventions that can replace human work, for example, robots working in stores, restaurants and supermarkets. And it is also possible to replace fuel with electricity or renewable energy to charge cars or things that need fuel, but I think this will cause unemployment and poverty because People will become unimportant to do businesses due to robots doing their work. I think it is an amazing idea but it would be better If they combine the work between human and robots.

Time Travel / Hung-Yi

If I could travel in time, I will travel to 110 years ago's China, because at that time, my country had been built and there are a lot of historical event which is very important to know, and I think if I can understand these event in detail, it would be great for me to be a politician in the future. I know at that time, China had a lot of war and people in China was very hard, at that time the live was worse than now, but there are a lot of clever people who wants to help the country better and stand up again, and these people are my exemplary.

Time Travel / Ayuka Teramoto

    If I could travel in time, I would travel to one thousand years into the future. I can't imagine whether happens all over the world. I think it will be more convenient in the world. For instance, we won't have to drive myself and become automation of car. Moreover, AI may do everything even if we don't work. If so, it may cause some problems all over the world. However, I think it will be easier absolutely to live the time than now. I think it's good idea. I want to travel in the future.

Time Travel

If you could travel in time, what time would you travel to and why? In addition, how do you expect the time you travelled to would be different from today? Finally add an image to illustrate your post.

What if... / Afaf

   What if electricity wasn’t discovered? Electricity is a natural force that exist in our world. There is no need to be invented. Electricity has it negative and positive elements.     First, living without electricity might not be as easy as you may think. If you haven’t got electricity, you wouldn’t been able to use the microwave, the fridge and you will lose phone signal, Your phone will be useless if the battery went off.     Secondly, if there is no electricity, the factory’s will not be able to work, so, The society will suffer from unemployment and poverty.        Therefore, electricity is important in human life and cannot be dispensed with.

What If... / Hung-Yi

 What if network hadn't invent? I think if there is no network, computer and phone are also useless. We wouldn't have known how important to have computer and phone, we wouldn't have known how the world can be convenient. Firstly, if the network hadn't invent, we can't use phone like today, you can find anything just use a small thing, you can't chat with your friend, you can't use email and so on. Second, I think in the future, when you go to shop, you don't need bring money, we can use AI and a lot of technology to cost your money automatically, and all of this need network. That's why I think if network hadn't, the world will not be as convenient as present world.

What if... / Ayuka Teramoto

      Do you often eat instant noodles? Instant noodles is famous invention all over the world. It is convenience for people to cook and also easy to eat. Instant noodles that can cook soup at the same time by boiling in a pot. If it hadn't developed, we would have taken a long time for us to make and eat noodles.       It is a food born in Japan, exported to many outside Japan, and locally manufactured by technology transfer and widely eaten. Instant noodles were invented by Momofuku Ando, the founder of Nissin Foods, in 1963. Secondly, Nowadays, not only instant noodles but also instant coffee and tea have been invented, making them indispensable products. Furthermore, not only ramen but also many kinds such as udon and yakisoba have been invented and are popular products all over the world.      That's why, instant noodles is  a product that is changing and continuing to advance. f it hadn't developed, we would have taken a long time for us to make and eat noodles.      

What if... / Kentaro Maruyama

      What if  smartphones hadn't invented ? I think our lives would have more difficult if smartphone hadn't developed. However, we wouldn't have known our convenient lives. Now that we have already known how our lives are useful thanks to smartphone.       First of all, if smartphones hadn't invented , we wouldn't communicate remotely with my friends, teachers and family. in addition, if so, we have to write letter every times that is very hard to communicate.      Secondly, if smartphones hadn't developed , our times at home because of COVID-19 would have been really boring that means we can't use any subscribes.      In conclusion, what if  smartphones hadn't invented, our lives would have been really boring and inconvenient.

Doing It Online / Kentaro Maruyama

       I often use online shopping recently, it is very useful because I don't need to go outside to buy anything and I can search many clothes at the same time. These are big advantages. However there some advantaged in online shopping. In my experience, when I bought clothes online and arrived it, I was so surprised because the size of clothes was big different from I expected. So, I was regrettable, it means we can't see the clothes directly, so we might miss shopping. It is the biggest disadvantage.

Doing It Online / Ayuka Teramoto

            I often use a activity which can communicate with other people like my friends. For example, I often use Zoom such as online classes. I also had an online drinking party during a pandemic of coronavirus. I think it was great idea that we can held the party during pandemic, but I prefer to do it directly. The advantage of online is that we can communicate with people who we can't meet directly anytime. However, there is a disadvantage of it. Sometimes some problems occur by using online. And also, our health would be worse if we use online for a long time. I think it's quite dangerous for people. I think we have to be careful to use it.  

Doing It Online / Hung-Yi

 I like to search on the internet when I have question want to know, because it is more faster than find the answer in the book, and I don't have enough books to that me search, so I always use internet to find the answer of my question, this is the advantages why I like search on the internet. But there are some disadvantages of finding the answer on the internet, like the information on the internet are not the correct answer, it will let you got the wrong knowledge, so finding the answer on the internet needs to be careful, because there is no 100% correct information on the internet.

Doing It Online / Afaf

   I prefer booking flight online because it much faster and easier than going in person and it saves time. If you book your flight online you can at anytime check the day or time of your flight, And you may find some discounts and offers. But there are some disadvantages of online booking, for example, choosing a site you shouldn’t choose because you don’t have the knowledge.

Doing It Online / David

An activity I often do online is contacting my friends & family over Messenger. Keeping in touch with them this way has a number of advantages over calling them on the phone. We can see each other's faces and it is free for me to call them this way. In other words, I don't have to use up the minutes of calls I pay for each month on my cellphone. In addition, if they are offshore, I can avoid toll call charges. The disadvantage of making calls using Messenger is that sometimes the reception is spotty and the person I'm calling's face is blurry and their words distorted. All told, though, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Doing It Online

Describe an activity you often do online. Say how often you do it online? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of doing it online. In addition, upload a relevant image to illustrate your text.