What if... / Kentaro Maruyama

     What if smartphones hadn't invented ? I think our lives would have more difficult if smartphone hadn't developed. However, we wouldn't have known our convenient lives. Now that we have already known how our lives are useful thanks to smartphone. 

    First of all, if smartphones hadn't invented , we wouldn't communicate remotely with my friends, teachers and family. in addition, if so, we have to write letter every times that is very hard to communicate.

    Secondly, if smartphones hadn't developed , our times at home because of COVID-19 would have been really boring that means we can't use any subscribes. 

    In conclusion, what if smartphones hadn't invented, our lives would have been really boring and inconvenient.


  1. If smartphone wasn't invented all over the world, what would you do now? It must be boring life, mustn't it?:)

  2. I think that if there were no smart phones, we wouldn't be able to send our daily pictures or what we do in our day to our friends or family.


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