Time Travel / Afaf

 If I could travel in time, I would travel 40 years into the future. In the future there would be more Inventions that can replace human work, for example, robots working in stores, restaurants and supermarkets. And it is also possible to replace fuel with electricity or renewable energy to charge cars or things that need fuel, but I think this will cause unemployment and poverty because People will become unimportant to do businesses due to robots doing their work. I think it is an amazing idea but it would be better If they combine the work between human and robots.


  1. Interesting, yes humans and robots pooling resources and working together sounds good rather than robots making humans redundant. If people have no useful work to do, I think it would be devastating for them. :-)

    1. Yes I think so, if humans and robots work together, it will be preferable.

  2. I don't think the job will be less in the future, because there will be other things need to do in the future, but we don't know now, it need to be find.
    When God closes a door, he must open another window.(I think)

    1. Yes, I agree with you, but these are just predictions about the future. No one knows what will happen in the future.


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