A Website Review/ Kentaro Maruyama


    I’ll introduce “Twitter” which is a social media and very famous in the world. People can see many recent news on Twitter about all over the world that is the most strength. Recently, a politician election was held in Japan, and a news on Twitter showed that the rate of voting among young people was very low. The tweet got me more motivated to getting know about Japanese politics. In addition, recently Twitter implemented a new function that is called “Space” which allows people to talk together if they don’t know each other. People can use the function on Twitter application. The point is a new strength.

    On the other hand, there is a lot of fake information and news on Twitter, which is a weakness. Because of a lot of fake news, people mustn’t believe easily. A diffusion power is also a weakness, so if people post videos, which took bad actions, their faces will become badly famous. For example, a man was become famous because of his bad action through Twitter in Japan.

    I installed Twitter when I was a high school student, because it was in common among students as a communication tool. Since then, I open it almost every day for getting information. It has both strengths and weaknesses, but I’m usually helped by Twitter, so I want to give four stars.

    Finally, I recommend Twitter because it is a good communication tool and has a lot of information that would be informative for our lives.


  1. There are many advantages and disadvantages to use Twitter. I agree with you. We should be careful to use it. Do you often tweet anything? :)

  2. I just use Twitter to look at the picture, like K-pop or anime. I never use it to look at other things, because I know in this social media, there are a lot of fake information.

  3. I don't have a Twitter account but I sometimes hear people referring to the website. I think the phrase 'hashtag x' has become popular through Twitter. I can understand the dangers of incorrect rumours being spread through the website. David :-)


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