My Favorite Restaurant -Ayuka Teramoto-


   This restaurant is easy to access. It's located to near Nagoya station where is a big city station. It takes 5 minutes on foot to go there. We can't go to eat unless we reserve the restaurant. It is a popular steak restaurant that boasts steak with bones. The name of restaurant is T-bone Steak. We can eat T-bone steak, cheese, salad, and various kinds of food. T-bone is so big that we should share some people. Moreover, the restaurant comes with two kinds of bread and we can eat as much as we like. Although the price isn't cheap, we are able to eat steak at a reasonable price at lunch. I'd recommend you to go lunch time.  There are some good services in the restaurant. If we would like to celebrate people such as boyfriend or friends for birthday, the staff will make a desert plate and celebrate. It is kind and friendly. The atmosphere of the restaurant is fashionable and calm space. I'd recommend you to go there once.


  1. Kentaro
    I don't often eat steaks outside, but I'd like to go there for celebrating my friends7 birthday. How much do you usually use there?

    1. I have used this restaurant 5 times for people's birthday. I'd recommend you to go there absolutely.

  2. Maybe I will go there when I go to Nagoya in the future.

    1. You should go to eat there, if you have a chance to go to Japan.^^

  3. The photo of the t bone steak looks pretty delicious! I think this restaurant would be a good one to go to for a special treat, as it is expensive. You give some good advice though regarding going there for lunch as restaurants do tend to be more reasonable at lunch time. :-)

    1. Actually, I haven't been there in lunch time, but my mother has been to there. It costed only 2000 yen. I think it's cheap to eat steak at this price.^^

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The steak looks delicious, I would like to try it.

    1. You should try it. If you come to Japan in the future, I 'll introduce my favorite restaurants.^^


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