My Wedding and Other Secrets / Hung-Yi

In this movie, Emily's met a problem which is about her parents want her to married with a Chinese New Zealander. I think most of Chinese people immigrate to other country have same opinion. So Emily have this problem is very common.
I like this movie, because this movie show the problem of the people who came to other country and want their son or daughter married with the people who was same as them. And I think I like James the most, although sometimes he can't accept Chinese culture, but I think he did really well when he show his decision that he wants to marry with Emily. And I think it is important have respect to other culture and people, try something that you don't eat often or you haven't looked before, you will got different opinion, and this is a kind of respect different culture.
Also, I think if the Chu family can use Chinese more often, it will more like the general Chinese family who go to New Zealand, and the problem of the culture will be more clearly. I like this movie, so I think I'll give this movie 4 stars.


  1. I agree with your opinion. People need to accept other different cultures from now. I think it's a quite important thing for people as globalization progresses.^^

    1. I think so too, we need to accept other different culture.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Hung. Making the choice to use one's native language in the home is a good step to take in order to preserve one's culture after you have migrated somewhere else. What tends to happen as the children in a family are educated in the language of the new country is that they are drawn into the culture of that country. Hence the tensions that the Chu girls face. Knowing two cultures should be seen as a blessing rather than a deficit though. Do you agree? David :-)

  3. I agree with you, I know it is difficult to accept other culture, but James tried it for Emily. I was impressive from that.

  4. I agree with you opinion, James tried his best to adapt to the Chinese culture and managed, that's because of his strong feelings toward Emily and he wanted to understand her to connect more with her.


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