Time Travel / David

I would like to travel back in time to the Byzantium of Emperor Justinian & Empress Theodora who reigned between 527 & 565. I would like to wander the streets of Byzantium and marvel at the magnificent churches, palaces, baths and hippodromes of the city. I would like to learn Greek there so I could sit at the feet of the theologians of the time and understand their exposition of the Bible. Some things about Byzantium would be similar to the Instanbul of today, but there would be so much that would be different. The thing I would have to be careful about would be not getting ill. There were no antibiotics around at that time!


  1. I think one day I need to go there, because it is important for me to know my country's history and to know other country's history and culture.

    1. Nice comment. Know about one's culture & history plus the cultures & histories of other countries is important to the making of intelligent decisions in this globalized world. :-)

  2. I think it would be an amazing idea to go back into the past and know what life was like at that time.

    1. Agreed! History is an inexact science. I want to know what certain times were like more vividly. :-)


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