Takeichi Ramen Restaurant / David

Takeichi Restaurant is a restaurant that provides the experience of eating ramen noodles to New Zealand diners. It is located on the corner of St Andrew Street and Great King Street in Dunedin and is usually open from 10am to 9pm. I have been there twice and have to say I didn’t particularly like the dishes I tried. I didn’t like the taste or appearance of the broth my noodles were served in and I would have liked to find more vegetables and slices of meat in the broth. The location of the restaurant is convenient though and the décor is lovely with some very realistic faux trees filled with autumn leaves located between some of the tables. In addition, the service is quite good. The waiters are polite, and the food is prepared fairly promptly. I will try Takeichi again, but next time I will try a different dish.


  1. I think i will have a try in the future when I go to Dunedin.

  2. Are there many Asian restaurants in New Zealand?

    1. Hi Afaf, yes there are quite a few Asian restaurants here. You can eat Indian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese & Thai cuisine. I like Vietnamese food so I wish there were more Vietnamese restaurants in my city. :-)

  3. Kentaro
    I was surprised because the big tree is planted inside!
    I want to go the restaurant!

    1. As I said, I think the decor is one of the highlights of the restaurant. The faux trees surprised me too. I think they are a nice touch. :-)

  4. The restaurant doesn't look like a ramen noodle restaurant. I was surprised, but the atmosphere og it is so good I think. What kinds of ramen noodle can you eat in the restaurant?

    1. Hi Ayuka, no it doesn't look like the typical Japanese ramen restaurant. They have miso, shoyu and some other kinds of ramen. I have tried the miso but I wasn't so happy with the taste of the 'dashi.' I will try another kind next time. :-)


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