Time Travel / Hung-Yi

If I could travel in time, I will travel to 110 years ago's China, because at that time, my country had been built and there are a lot of historical event which is very important to know, and I think if I can understand these event in detail, it would be great for me to be a politician in the future. I know at that time, China had a lot of war and people in China was very hard, at that time the live was worse than now, but there are a lot of clever people who wants to help the country better and stand up again, and these people are my exemplary.


  1. I didn't know that China had a lot of historical events 110 years ago. I would like to back to China 110 years ago.^^

  2. Kentaro
    It is very dangerous because of many wars!

  3. Interesting! Yes it would be quite something to hear the speeches of your political inspirations. You might find them particularly stirring, or perhaps they might underwhelm you. :-)

  4. Why 110 years specifically? Is there something special that you would like to attend?


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