
Showing posts from October, 2021

My Memory / Kentaro Maruyama

1.I have a good memory about my trip. When I went to Hokkaido with my friends, it was do great. 2. I am good at remembering for films 3. Names and faces 4. Yes, I do. When I memorize something, I usually care about "number".

My Memory / Afaf

  I think that I have a terrible memory, but if I was excited about something I will remember it. I’m good at remembering people names, dates, birthdays and information about some products. I would like to be good at remembering faces, words, directions and things that happen when I was a child, because I really can’t remember anything at all. I don't have any special  strategies ,but I  Usually I take some notes of everything that I should do to remind me.  

My Memory / Ayuka Teramoto

My good memory is traveling in Fukuoka, but everyday life is a memory.  I'm good at remembering names and faces. I think the two things are very important to live in society. It's quite necessary for most people to remember in the first meeting.  I'd like to be better at places. Unfortunately, I forget name of places soon. I have to remember it. It's important I think.  I don't have my special strategies, but if I memorize some vocabularies, I often write down and take notes. I think it can be easy to remember.

My Memory / David

I think I have only an average memory. I'm good at remembering faces, places, films & books I've read. I can remember quite well the faces of some of my fellow students at college, even though I haven't seen them for years. However, I'm not good at remembering events from my early childhood, names or jokes. I sometimes confuse students' names with each other which can annoy them and occasionally I just can't remember a word I want to use, which is frustrating. This is known as 'the tip of the tongue' phenomenon. The word's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't 'spit it out.' I particularly wish I could remember more of my formative experiences better. To remember the content of lectures, I take notes and to remember things that I have to do, I write lists on my calendar and write myself notes.

My Memory / Hung-Yi

I think I don't have a very good memory, but if the things are I like, I can remember it very well. I think I am good at remembering other people's name, face and the book I've read. It is important for me to let my words remembering better, because it will help me learn a language effectively. I don't have any special strategies, just write it and read it loud.

My Memory

  How good is your memory? Write a post in which you address the following questions: 1) Do you have a good memory generally? 2) Which things are you good at remembering? 3) Which things would you like to be better at remembering? 4) Do you use special strategies to remember things?

One of My Happiest Memories / Ayuka Teramoto

  I'll tell you about my one of the happiest memory. My happiest memory is about dance club. When I was a high school student, I belonged a dance club. It was so strict about rules of dance club and school such as we couldn't cut the skirt and couldn't use smartphones in the school. And also, surprisingly, we had to measure my weight everyday and send to the e-mail for the club group. I was exhausted to protect the rules. I always practice dancing. It was so hard. Sometimes, I wanted to retire the club. However, we won and got first prize on last dance competition in Japan. I was satisfied to belong the club. I learned importance of my club members, and I could improve not dancing skills, but also rules of society like politeness .

One Of My Happiest Memories / Afaf

     A few years ago, I went to Dubai with my family by car. We packed the bags and some snacks. First, we stopped at Saudi Arabia. We stayed at a hotel. in the morning we ate breakfast and then swam in the pool. Then we went to an amusement park that’s popular in Saudi Arabia. In the evening we went to a restaurant that serves some delicious food then we slept. The next morning, we check out and completed our trip to Dubai. We finely arrived at a hotel in Dubai, and we had some rest until the next morning. Next morning, we went to a waterpark that has some huge slides, it was fun. After, we were hungry, so we ate in a restaurant overlooking the sea. The next day we went shopping in Dubai mall. We went back to the hotel and packed our things and went back to Kuwait. It was an exhausting trip but we had fun.

One of My Happiest Memories / Hung-Yi

One of my happiest memories is that I went to play with my best friend once when I was on winter vacation in junior high school. I went to a department store with my friend, and there is a street beside that department, which is very famous in my city, we spent half day there. We went to bookstore, played games console, having a lunch and went to have walking in that street after we have lunch, it was a very great experience for me, because I only went to play with my friend for twice, I want to have this kind of trip in the future.

One of My Happiest Memories

Write a post of 150-200 words in which you describe one of your happiest memories.  Use 'time expressions' when you tell your story to help make it clear. In addition use adjectives and adverbs to make your story vivid.

Here Is How I See It / Ayuka Teramoto

  I think it's very good to be obsessed with something like football.  It's much better than someone who has no hobbies.  He can concentrate on one thing and do his best.  It is very important and he will be a person who can play an active role in society.  However, because of obsession it is not good for love and money.  I think he needs to be reasonably obsessed.  It is important that he is not too obsessed, so he has to decide his own rules such as time and money.  By doing so, I'm sure that he can live a better life in terms of love, family, and money.

Here Is How I See It / Afaf

  I think that you should try some ways to help him. For example, probably he will ask you to lend him some money so you shouldn’t give him. also, you can suggest him to play football or join a football team. And if he wanted to find a girlfriend, he should look for a girl that accept his obsession. or maybe a girl that loves football . I think that they will have a great relationship. But If he didn’t respond to your advice, ask your parents or your older relatives to help you deal with this situation perhaps they can do something.

Here Is How I See It / Hung-Yi

I think you just tell you father or mother about this, because you are younger than your brother and he can broke up with his girlfriend because of football, so it is a little difficult for you to persuade him, of course it doesn't mean that you can't persuade your brother, but you need to have a very good persuasive If your brother can find a girlfriend who is also a football-obsession, it will be very great, so I think you can try to talk to him about find a girlfriend who is also a football-obsession. Or you can watch football games with him and make a rule or schedule about watching football games. If this doesn't work, you can discuss this problem with your father or mother to let your brother can't watch football games on the TV, and don't give him any money to watch football games, one day he will realize that how important to have a normal life and a have a good job.

Here Is How I See It

Write a post of approximately 100 words in which you give advice to the person with the football-obsessed brother. See the person's request for advice on page 73 of Speakout Intermediate .

What I have Learnt So Far / Kentaro Maruyama

 I have learned about some grammar and structure in English speaking. First, I have already studied all grammar in high school, but it was useful for me as a review. In particular, I was glad to get some opportunities to use these grammar in short conversation. Secondly, I have learned GDFC, it was not familiar with me, so it took s bit time to be used to it. However, now that I can make a conversation along GDFC smoothly, so I feel like my English skill has being improved since before.