Here Is How I See It / Afaf

 I think that you should try some ways to help him. For example, probably he will ask you to lend him some money so you shouldn’t give him. also, you can suggest him to play football or join a football team. And if he wanted to find a girlfriend, he should look for a girl that accept his obsession. or maybe a girl that loves football. I think that they will have a great relationship. But If he didn’t respond to your advice, ask your parents or your older relatives to help you deal with this situation perhaps they can do something.


  1. Yes, don't lend him money, you need to let him earn money by himself, it is important to let a young person to know, how important to earn money by them own. I agree with you, if it doesn't work, just discuss with your parents.

    1. I think that if you lend him some money ,he will not depend on himself .so he must work hard and get paid.

  2. Asking their parents or their older relatives to help this situation is nice idea. And also, it's important for him to look for a girl friend who accepts his obsession. I liked the advice. If so, we can get a good relationship. ^ ^

    1. She should get help from her parents ,so that he doesn't get angry at her or force her to give him money. But for the girlfriend , I hope this relationship will be successful.

  3. Perceptive comments, Afaf, well done. I like the idea of suggesting to the girl that she should suggest her brother join a football team and actually play the game. Playing football has got to be much more healthy than just watching the game. The girl's brother might also learn how to take responsibility for himself and work together with others to meet goals, this way. Regarding a girlfriend, maybe a soccer fan who isn't addicted to the game might be able to gradually draw the girl's brother into a more healthy relationship with football. David :-)

    1. football is a widespread sport, so it can be played anywhere .there are many players who worked hard and reached an achievement. so I think that he should join them .also, it helps reduce obesity and activates blood cells, it is definitely healthy and keeps the body in shape.


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