Here Is How I See It / Hung-Yi

I think you just tell you father or mother about this, because you are younger than your brother and he can broke up with his girlfriend because of football, so it is a little difficult for you to persuade him, of course it doesn't mean that you can't persuade your brother, but you need to have a very good persuasive
If your brother can find a girlfriend who is also a football-obsession, it will be very great, so I think you can try to talk to him about find a girlfriend who is also a football-obsession.
Or you can watch football games with him and make a rule or schedule about watching football games.
If this doesn't work, you can discuss this problem with your father or mother to let your brother can't watch football games on the TV, and don't give him any money to watch football games, one day he will realize that how important to have a normal life and a have a good job.


  1. Thoughtful comments, Hung-Yi. Well done! I like the idea of suggesting a schedule for watching football games together, like "I'll watch these games together with you if you don't watch those other games." If the girl's brother values his sister's company maybe he will agree to this. The advice for her to consult her parents and not to loan her brother money to attend games is good as well. David :-)

    1. To have a normal life and have a healthy hobby is very important, if someone is in obsessive, I think it's time to have therapy.

  2. I agree with your advice. I thought making a girlfriend who likes football and is a football-obsession are great idea too. If so, we don't brake up and can go to watch football games too much. It's an interesting advice.^ ^

    1. I think it's great to let him can watch football games and have a girlfriend at the same time.

  3. I agree with you that he should find a girlfriend that has obsession with football and its a great idea .

    1. He has a girlfriend before, but because he is obsessive at football so they broke up, so it's great to let him find a football-obsessive girlfriend, and he will not lose a girlfriend because football.


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