My Memory / David

I think I have only an average memory. I'm good at remembering faces, places, films & books I've read. I can remember quite well the faces of some of my fellow students at college, even though I haven't seen them for years. However, I'm not good at remembering events from my early childhood, names or jokes. I sometimes confuse students' names with each other which can annoy them and occasionally I just can't remember a word I want to use, which is frustrating. This is known as 'the tip of the tongue' phenomenon. The word's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't 'spit it out.' I particularly wish I could remember more of my formative experiences better. To remember the content of lectures, I take notes and to remember things that I have to do, I write lists on my calendar and write myself notes.


  1. Kentaro
    I don't also remember my childhood.

    1. One of most vivid memories of my childhood was hiding in the lounge trying to listen when my teacher, I think it was, came to visit my parents. :-)

  2. I don't remember my childhood, and I always can't remember the words I want to use, too.

    1. Yes, the 'tip of the tongue' phenomena can be irritating indeed!

  3. Making list is quite important for me to remember something too. I always make lists which I have to do today. If it wasn't , I couldn't be achieved. :)

    1. Agreed. Making lists can be very helpful. I actually should do this more often than I do at present. :-)

  4. I have the same problem when I speak to someone I forget what I was going to say and I try hard to remember. also, I cant remember anything about my childhood.

    1. Yes, it is annoying when you can't remember what you were going to say. Especially if you feel what you were going to say was important. :-)


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