My Memory / Afaf

 I think that I have a terrible memory, but if I was excited about something I will remember it.

I’m good at remembering people names, dates, birthdays and information about some products.

I would like to be good at remembering faces, words, directions and things that happen when I was a child, because I really can’t remember anything at all.

I don't have any special strategies ,but I Usually I take some notes of everything that I should do to remind me.



  1. Kentaro
    I also would like to be good at remembering faces!

  2. I want to hear your terrible story. :) I'm jealous that you can remember birthdays. I forget birthdays of people soon. You're nice.^^ I agree with you that taking notes for special strategies.

  3. Like you, I wish that I could remember more things that happened to me as a child. I always feel a bit envious of people who can vividly recount experiences that happened to them as a child. :-)

  4. What kind of things, you will remember it

    1. I think that I forget everything about my childhood and I don't know why but it like my childhood memory erased. :)


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