
The Question of Immigration / Hung-Yi Peng

I n the present world, a lot of people migrate to other countr ies , and there are some advantage s  and disadvantage s .   A lthough the advantage s  can make the world more  flourishing, it’s the time to stop it, because of a lot of reason s , like the people won’t like their own culture or country ,   b ut this is just  a  short time. This is why I disagree  with accepting  immigrant s from  other countr ies .     T he first reason why I disagree is because if there are too  many  people migrate to other countr ies , then we need to discuss  a very serious problem, “loyalty” .   L oyalty in Chinese means  you love the thing s  from your heart, although there are  not  any benefit s  for you to keep this  opinion .  I know immigrat ion  to  ano ther country doesn’t mean that you don’t like your  original country, but because of this question, there is a very big question mark. And another question is, will the people  be  loyal to their new country?   What i f the foreigners are sp i

The Question of Immigration / Ayuka Teramoto

          Today, many immigrants in the world leave their land for their own reasons and move to other regions or countries. Japan is currently a major immigrant receiving country that accepts a large number of immigrants. Do you think it’s a good thing to open of one’s country to immigrants from a variety of other countries?               We should accept immigrants from a wide variety of other countries. First, we’re able to learn other cultures and languages. It’s called “cross-cultural understanding.” We live in different cultures and different environments. Of course, Japanese people don’t live absolutely a Japanese life. Even Japanese people have different environments and different values. It can be said it’s necessary to accept immigrants and to understand different cultures.               Moreover, immigrants are likely to improve our communication skills. Immigrants migrate for a variety of reasons such as escaping difficult situations. However, they can have a good oppo

The Question of Immigration / Kentaro Maruyama

                 For many years, immigration problems have been discussed in the world. I know there some advantages and disadvantages about the problems. I think there are more disadvantages than advantages, so I disagree with the opinion that is “opening up of one’s country to immigrants from a wide variety of other countries is a good thing”. I have two reasons for my disagreement.                 Firstly, if immigration increase in a country, the country’s culture might disappear. Recently, Korean culture is so popular in Japan. If the trend continues for many years, new generations might misunderstand about Japanese culture. That means Korean culture will replace Japanese culture. In addition, there would be increased culture problems. Even now, I have heard of some problems. For example, Sana Minatozaki, who is a K-pop idol as a Japanese member, celebrated the change of the Japanese era from Heisei to Reiwa. After that, she was blamed by many Korean people. That reason why sh

The Question of Immigration

The opening up of one’s country to immigrants from a wide variety of other countries is a good thing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

My Wedding and Other Secrets/Kentaro Maruyama

 The movie was good and I thought again about culture difference. Now that globalization is more common than past, so the situation might increase in the world. Then, people have to accept other culture, people, traditions. It is so difficult, but they must not shut out these cultures. I thought that through the movie. I give 4 score to the movie.

My Wedding and Other Secrets / Abdullah

  The movie was great in every way, there where many plot twists. James was my favourite character because he struggled to be in a relationship with Emily his girlfriend because of her father being traditional but managed to get his blessing to marry his daughter in the end. The movie taught me that if you loved or cared about some one you must not give up or else you will lose them. I would make the movie a bit longer to get to know the characters more after the marriage. I would give the movie 5\5.

My Wedding & Other Secrets / Afaf

  The movie was amazing its talks about relationships between other cultures, and I think it teaches people how to accept them. What I liked about the movie is that it explains the situation of some real stories about families who only accept marriage from their own country. Emily is the character that I liked the most because she does whatever she wants to do and no one can stop her, and she never dispenses with James even when her family didn't agree. The movie taught me that no matter how different cultures are, people can get along with each other by learning each other's cultures and ignoring the mistakes that might happen. The movie has a happy ending when her parents give her their blessing to marry James. So, I’m rating this movie 5 stars.