The Question of Immigration / Ayuka Teramoto


    Today, many immigrants in the world leave their land for their own reasons and move to other regions or countries. Japan is currently a major immigrant receiving country that accepts a large number of immigrants. Do you think it’s a good thing to open of one’s country to immigrants from a variety of other countries?

              We should accept immigrants from a wide variety of other countries. First, we’re able to learn other cultures and languages. It’s called “cross-cultural understanding.” We live in different cultures and different environments. Of course, Japanese people don’t live absolutely a Japanese life. Even Japanese people have different environments and different values. It can be said it’s necessary to accept immigrants and to understand different cultures.

              Moreover, immigrants are likely to improve our communication skills. Immigrants migrate for a variety of reasons such as escaping difficult situations. However, they can have a good opportunity to provide a good culture to other countries. People usually only talk to people from the same country, but by accepting immigrants, I think they can talk to people from other countries and improve not only their language skills but also their communication skills such as deepening personal connections.

              Secondly, accepting immigrants leads to globalization. The ideas of other countries are very important for workers. I feel people can acquire new ideas and technologies by incorporating not only Japanese ideas but also ideas from other countries such as country-specific knowledge and technology. Also, it can grow the country economically by incorporating those ideas, and perhaps it’s possible to develop new technologies.

              In conclusion, “cross-cultural understanding.” and globalization are two advantages by receiving immigrants. That’s why, we should accept immigrants from a wide variety of other countries.


  1. Had you ever had any opportunities to cross cultural understanding?

    1. Yes, of course. When I go to other countries, I always think that I have to understand other culture such as lifestyle and food. I think Japanese people like to keep clean, so I sometimes shocked when I go to other countries. However, I could understand other cultures.

  2. I think global world must be happen, but in my opinion, it must wait until people in the world have more knowledge about the world, and than the world will have "peace".

    1. I agree with your opinion that you told. I hope it comes true.

  3. I agree with your argument, Ayuka. I think that when one considers the case of the USA, it is very clear that their acceptance of immigrants from such a wide range of countries has made their country one on the cutting edge of technology and one that is stronger economically. When you consider the names of the USA's great scientists and tech. innovators, it is clear that many of those people came from somewhere else or are the children or grand children of immigrants. David :-)


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