The world in 2040 / Michino Araki

I think most of energy we use will become renewable. The technology will develop to make them easily and cheaply, as a result, average households will use them widely.

Also, virtual technology will have more reality.
We can go everywhere like far country, game world, space, and more at a moment. However, it cause a problem of lacking exercise because we can do everything without going outside.


  1. Interesting thought - the attractions of virtual reality may make exercising outside less attractive. Perhaps exercising on real exercise machines in virtual reality contexts might be the answer to keeping us fit in this new world. :-)

  2. It's an interesting article. There will be some disadvantages but there will be an interesting future in 2040.

  3. I agree with your opinion. Virtual reality may make us lazy, but it can use in many situations!

  4. I think so too about virtual reality! I hope the sport game will be created and we can exercise in it!

  5. I'm with you. Renewable energy is very promising!


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