Online lesson / Araki Michino

 COVID-19 has changed our school life. We have to stay home and take lessons on our computers. I was disappointed at first, However, I could find some advantages and disadvantages of online lessons. 

One of the main advantages is that we can save time and money going to school because we don't need to go to school. We can take lessons without worrying about where the class is held or how to get there. It is useful for a student who has to stay on a train for 2 hours and pay a fee every day because the house is located far from your school, for example. In addition, every student can high-quality classes. In general, good teachers who can provide high-quality classes tend to go to cities because there are more students to teach. Then, students living in the countryside will have fewer opportunities to take good lessons. If they have a computer or smartphone, they can take high-quality lessons on the internet as well as students living in cities.

On the other hand, of course, there are disadvantages. It is difficult to maintain an Internet environment. If the connection is weak, the sound and videos will be bad, and they will not be able to take classes properly. We can stop live broadcasting style and upload record videos on the internet. However, if we do that, we will lose the opportunity to communicate with teachers or students and we won't be able to enjoy classes because we have to take it alone.

In my opinion, offline classes are good because I can communicate with my friends without Internet problems, but I also think that students who want to study should be given the proper option for the sake of they don't be bothered due to where they live.


  1. Nice introduction.^^ It's easy for me to read it. I thought we take classes directly better than online. It's some problems. I hope COVID-19 will disappear.

    1. I also hope COVID-19 disappear. I want to study abroad in real.

  2. Kentaro Maruyama
    I also think we can save money and time because of COVID-19. So, people can use the time whatever they want, in my case I had studied hard for TOEIC in the terms.

  3. I think online lesson will be a very common learning way in the future, so internet connection will be a very important things that we need to facing.

    1. I hope problems with internet connection be few and making it easy for everyone to study.

  4. As you said, online lessons have great advantages but there are many inconvenients. Your sentences are very nice.^^b

  5. A thoughtful response to the question of whether to study online or not. I agree with you that online classes remove the tyranny of distance. They can bring those from far away into the classroom at the click of a mouse.
    Do you know anybody who has elected to study online because of a lack of high quality classes in the area where they live?
    David :-)

    1. I used to go to an online cram school for the university entrance examination because of that reason, but I changed it into an offline cram school near my high school. It's good for me to study with someone.


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