Discussing Setting Up A Tour Company / Michino Araki

It was difficult for me to discuss this topic in English because my vocabulary was not enough and this topic was difficult to even in my native language.

I wasn't able to use all of the phrases in the book, but "That's sounds good." was easy to use. I want to use other words like "Let's focus on..." to run the meeting smoothly.

The easiest question to answer was "how you will promote tourism". The way was using SNS and uploading beautiful photos with hashtags. I could suggest this immediately because I always decide where I go by searching with SNS when I travel.

The most difficult question was "the name and location of the company". Location wasn't difficult, but the name was not easy for me because I'm not creative. I want to learn from a person who has creativity.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Michino, you write very articulately!
    I am sure that with practice you will be able to use more of the expressions on page 50. Write yourself a reminder to try using more of them as our class continues.
    Interesting how posts on SNS are important to you when it comes to deciding where to go on holiday. It makes sense that you proposed them as a strategy for your company. :-)

    1. Thank you for your replying.
      I’ll always remind myself of using these phrases.
      SNS is useful especially when you choose what you eat.

  2. I was interested in your presentation and idea. I thought it was a little difficult for us to discuss about it in English too, but it was nice challenge.

  3. I felt that this discussion was difficult for the same reason as you. Your idea was very good!!


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